So much cooler tonight. Such a huge difference 12 degrees and a nice breeze makes. I ran some tonight. Still feel like an old cow plodding along. I get frustrated that I can't go any faster or any further. Yet. I am going to keep trying but I don't think it will get much better until after the surgery. Speaking of.... I still have not heard back from the "docs" office with an appointment. I hope I can remember to call them Friday. I get busy at work and forget about things that are not work.....There is always some "emergency" going on that has to be handled right now. Not in 5 min. but right now.
I need a break.
I get one next week.
Just gotta make it through Friday. This is Truman's final Friday off in a string of 3. I liked it better when I had the 3 Fridays off in a row, much better. So I am flying solo and I hope it is quiet!
So looking forward to a whole week off. Not going anywhere. We never go anywhere. I can't ride in a car for any length of time with out hurting and BT won't fly. We never go anywhere......
Oh well it is a break away from all of the "emergencies", from the phone calls where the people want me to fix their whole lives for them (Even when they admit it took them years to get it that messed up!), from the sick souls that prey on other people then have to come register with me AND last but not least the lawyers that represent them.
I really need that break. I need to recharge so that the public can suck more out of me. Right now I am drained.
Think about it. When do people call the police? When they are having a good day? Not hardly. It is usually one of their worst days. And if "it" is done right there is a report with ALL of the details. ALL OF THEM. There are some sick creepy people in this world.
Insert a big sighhhhhh. I just have to make it through Friday.....
On a lighter note.
My doggie pesters me to put fish oil on her food. She is so obnoxious about it. She will not give up until I give in. Do you see her? That is what she does. She stands in front of her food bowl and stares at me. She will wag her tail and stare. Then she will wag her tail and stare some more. I almost always give in, almost.
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