
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Repost Memories

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I received an email from my lil sis this week. She had done a search on Turley Childrens Home and found that when the 3 of us (brother, sister and I) were in the "home" we made case law. She sent me the site and it was kinda cool reading it. Very techincal, but still reading your name in an Oklahoma Supreme Court Law decision..... That led me to a google search of Turley also.

I found a very interesting site. A lady that lived there a decade before me is doing a book about all of the abuse she and others lived through. I believe it is supposed to come out this fall. There are 4 stories on the site from ladies that were abused. It sure made me think of all I put up with while living there. I didn't have near the problems they did and some of my trouble I brought on myself.

Still.... I do have my "issues" that I can't seem to shake. One of them is that I will NEVER willingly go to another church service as long as I live!! I will not eat fried chicken, spam or corn flakes. Some of the issues, like having close friends, I have learned to live without. I am just more comfotable not "getting that close to people". I often come across as "cold" or as a "hard ass" but it is so much a part of my nature to not get too close. I have found that the people that I have bonded the most with is my children. Maybe that is why I have so much trouble with the "empty nest". So much of a person's nature is their past experiences and I have found that I drag way to much around.

Okay enough heavy stuff. Anyone have any good ideas on how to get rid of a tricky mouse???

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