
Sunday, May 29, 2011

A walk at the river

We just got back from a trip to Missouri visiting the Grandson, Son and Daughter-in-law.  It was a very nice trip.  I think I might have mentioned this before but I am really crazy about my Grandson.  He is just the cutest guy I know.  His Grandpa and Dad are close but.....

We went for a walk at the river.  I had been to the location once before but I hadn't walked along the river trail.  I was busy taking pictures of the bridges and the Old Mill on that visit.  It is a pretty place to take a walk.  There were several families out enjoying the beautiful day but it wasn't crowded at all.

Carrie had to work until that evening so she didn't get to join us.  The little Mr. loved it.  He was so busy looking around that we didn't hear a peep out of him. 

 Houses line the other side of the river.  There are boat docks in most of the back yards with paths down steep slopes.  There were plenty of geese but just one family that had goslings. 

The area floods on a regular basis and there are some drainage tunnels that have been added to move extra water when needed.  When the river is not in flood stage you can walk through the tunnels.  I have wanted to take some pictures of this area since the first time I saw it. 
I liked it in black and white.

Rob took us to a second location called Riverdale next.  I loved the sound of the rushing water at this spot! 

There were wildflowers! 
I saw these all along the roadside on the way and really wanted to get a closer look at them.  The want to take pictures of wildflowers is like an itch to me.  An itch that just won't go away until I can get close enough to take pictures.  And just like scratching an itch, I feel all better once I get to. 

These are way too small to have seen while driving past at 75 mph. 
Tiny but so pretty.

Here are some of the photos I took from Riverdale in black and white. 

It was a nice trip. 
I always wish we could stay longer. 
I miss them as soon as we leave. 
I think this post is long enough so I will finish for now.  Save some of the pics for another time.

Is anyone else having problems commenting on any of the blogs?  I haven't been able to all last week.  I tried several times to answer a comment made on my post and was unable to.  Plus I tried to comment on one of the blogs that I follow and it just will not let me.  My stats page is also messing up.......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just hanging out

A few weeks ago my Son-in-law had a Birthday.  I didn't get to see him cause he was working two jobs.  Last week my Son-in-law and my baby Girl had their first Anniversary.  I didn't get to do any thing with them cause my Son-in-law was still working two jobs.  The work-a-holic got a new job working nights and he kept working his day job for a bit.  He did finally turn in his two week notice and finished with the day job.  So yesterday we picked them both up and took them out to eat BBQ.  We were going to go to the zoo but it has been so long since we have been that we did not realize that they closed so early.  So we went to Chandler Park instead. 
The place brings back a few memories for me from my childhood.  Way back before my mother got sick we lived in some apartments on the West side of Tulsa.  Not too far from there was Chandler Park.  Tulsa always put on the City's Fourth of July fireworks celebration in the park.  There was a huge stage built out of native stone that they used.  The grassing field in front of the rock stage was full of people there to see the show.  Most had blankets that the kids would lay down on and the parents had lawn chairs.  It was very crowded but there was a festive feeling as everyone waited for full dark so the show would start.  I remember laying on our blanket and holding my breath waiting for the loud boom to go off and send the fireworks skyward.  If the firework was a dud it made an extra loud boom that would shake the ground and could be felt all through my body.   The duds scared me.  But the ones that flew skyward were magical.  I remember clinching my muscles waiting for the next boom, afraid it would be a dud but hoping that it would fly up and light up the sky. 
The City no longed does the fireworks at Chandler, they moved the show to Riverside.  You can not get close enough to feel the ground shake any more.  The huge rock stage has been torn down.  It was too tempting for kids to stay off of it and like most stages you could fall off of the front of it.  It was also very big so it was a long fall.  I was sad to see that it was gone. 

I have been itching to get out and take pictures.  I was really itchy yesterday cause I got a new tripod.   

There is a place in the park that has a nice view of the river and downtown.  It sets right on the edge of a cliff and there is an old concrete structure that you can stand on to get a good view.
Mattie and James climbed up and had a seat in the shade.  It was a warm evening and the shade felt good.

For those of you reading that are not from this area, that is the Arkansas River in the back ground.
(I love her smile!)

I learned something about Mattie and James.  Mattie USED to be a monkey and would climb everything.  She is no longer interested in climbing things.  James IS still a monkey.

While these photos were taken they are talking about how dumb Mattie thinks James is for wanting to climb down the cliff.  She is telling him that it is a long way down.
That is Mattie's "I am not agreeing with you" look.  James didn't spend too long trying to convince her.
He just started climbing down.
Mattie was not impressed.
He couldn't get very far.  He would need a rope to do a proper job.
So he came back up and started climbing up the cliff. 
This is where Mattie couldn't take watching any longer and went back up the path.  I stayed and took pictures.  If he fell I might have been able to get some nice action shots. 

That is not a mean mother-in-law statement.
It is what I said to get a smile so he would look cute in the pictures I was taking.  See he is smiling, don't he look cute?  I love them dimples!
One of our group stayed up top side the whole time.  He is not a fan of heights and hated it every time Mattie got close to the edge.  He wasn't fond of me climbing down the path.  He really did not like James' extra climbing. 
I don't know how he puts up with all of us.  Thank goodness he does!

As usual I was the last one ready to go.  I was walking around trying to find things to take pictures of.  This is what I saw when I turned around.
They were all waiting on me. 
Am I the only one in this family that has a hard time leaving a place.  What if there is something cool around the corner that we haven't seen?  Isn't anyone else worried they will miss something? 
There is just never enough time to do every thing that I want to do. 

While waiting on me they were all talking about going to Woolaroc.  It can't be this next weekend, other plans have already been made.  So maybe the first weekend of June?  I sure hope so.  I could spend the whole day at that place. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

High cost

Busy day today!  Since it was a day off I got to sleep in.  It was raining hard this morning and that made for good sleeping.  I seldom can roll over and go back to sleep so it is a treat when I can.  This morning was one of those treats.  I took my time and enjoyed listening to the rain and thunder.  I did finally drag myself out of bed a little before 8:00 am.  I wanted to get the grocery shopping done before it got busy.  I took my time walking around the store trying to find new things to make.  Usually it is a race to get out as fast as possible.  The bad thing about taking my time is I spent a little more than I should have.  The cost of food is way off the scale.  Shopping is not my favorite thing to do.  I think I have mentioned that a time or two.  One nice thing did occur to me, this was the 1st time that I have done a big shopping trip since the surgery, that I wasn't worn smooth out from it. 
Once I got everything put away I started on a lunch just for me.  When I have a Friday alone at home I like to cook something that nobody else will eat.  Today was pineapple panang with chicken, a spicy Thai dish that is a favorite of mine.  Yum!  There are plenty of left overs too.  More proof that I really am starting to get stronger.  I got the shopping done, everything put away, a big lunch cooked and cleaned up, plus I got most of the laundry done.  All with no nap needed.  Progress is slow but it is there. 
Thank goodness! 
I seriously did a little happy dance when I realized this. 
Once the hubby got off work we finally got a chore done that we have been putting off for a long time.  We upgraded our cell phones.  Mine hadn't been done since 2005.  The sales lady was shaking her head at us two old dinosaurs.  We cut back our minutes since we never get close to using them all AND we put on texting.  Yes it is true.  I can now text.  We spent most of the evening playing with our new toys and I think we have them figured out well enough to use them.  The kids all got a kick out of us sending them a text for the first time.  I will tattle just a little bit and tell you that there were a few swear words floating around the house while things were being figured out. 
Our little town made the morning's television news.  I listen to the news in the morning while I am getting ready for the day.  The talking heads seldom (if ever) get things right but if I listen I can at least get a clue as what is happening in the area.  This mornings news on Owasso was about a bad vehicle accident on the highway that runs through our town.  A truck was going the wrong way on the highway and hit a motorcycle.  The driver of the motorcycle died from his injuries.  I don't know which of the Officers did the report.  I will find that out Monday when I go back to work.  I imagine the whole shift had to assist with that bad of an accident.  I hate when they have to do things like that.  It is part of their job but it is hard on them.  They seldom say anything about how it bothers them.  But it does bother them.  Drunk driving can come at a very high cost.  Sure makes you wonder why there are still people out there that will try to defend that type of behavior.  I just sit in a room and read about it.  Add it to the other pile of reports and make a stat of it.  I am not out cleaning up the mess.  I just talk to the people involved after the fact.  I do not have to deliver the bad news in person.  It bothers me. 
It is so ugly. 
The ugliness is shared with each person that has anything to do with it.  The man that killed another, the family that lost a loved one, the dispatcher that took the call, the Officers that had to work the scene, each person that will try to assist the family of the man killed, the Detective that gets assigned the case, and the District Attorney that will get assigned. 
Everyone will get some of the ugliness. 
Next time you think a cop gets over paid think about this.  It is so hard to not let the ugly build up. 
I think I will just leave the rest that I could say left unsaid. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The new pain

I had my return trip to the surgeon this week.  It seems like it has taken forever to get the results from the EMG test.  Good news and of course bad news.  I hate to whine but it seems I can't have good without some bad too.  At least it isn't all bad.  That is a really good thing!
The assistant came in first and told me the test results.  I have Prorator Teres Syndrome and Ulnar Neuropathy.  I also have mild Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but that isn't anything new.  I have had that for years.  I can live with that.  The Teres Syndrome is driving me nuts though.  It interrupts my sleep and anything done using my arms causes pain and or numbness.  The good news is it has nothing to do with my neck or the surgery that I had.  That is all healing good. 
When the Surgeon came in he explained that it is an unusual condition and that this was not his field of expertise.  So he referred me to a different specialist.  Back to a hand Doctor I saw a few years ago.  I have an OLD hand injury that I tried to have repaired about 6 years ago.  This is the same Doctor I used for that.  He is one of the best in the Tulsa area so I hope he can help. 

Okay, enough of that.

This is my short week so I will have Friday off.  It has been a few weeks since I have worked a 10 hour days and I am feeling the extra hours.  I worked extra Monday to cover the time I would be off at the doctor's office, then there was a Supervisor's meeting that I had to attend today so I have already worked 33 hours this week.  Just 7 more hours and my week will be done.  It is worth it to have a three day weekend.

I haven't been out taking pictures in several days.  I have wanted too.  The spirit wants, but time and energy haven't been there.  Speaking of pictures another one of my daughter's friends wants me to take some photos for them.  This is a hard rock group that is getting ready to release an album and they want something for the album cover.  I hope I can do good enough that they can use one of my pictures.  I have several ideas already but I want to talk to them and get some more info on the band and the members.  It would also be good to know the name of the album. 
That might give me some ideas. 
This is going to be fun. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

If not one thing then another.

Funny how things can seem to pile up. 
I am just puttin along and doing my thing when someone or something adds to my "to do" list.  I think, "It is ok self you can do one more thing, no problem". 
So back to puttin along with one more thing.  Feeling good, handling life ok.  Trying to remember to stop and enjoy myself every now and again.  Recharge the heart and mind so I don't get burned out.
Next thing I know another thing is added.  "Now wait a minute!" I say.  "I have enough to keep me busy, I don't have time for this." 
But it still needs to be done.  Nobody else is doing it.  You know how to do it, or at least you can learn.  You can learn, can't you?  "Of couse I can learn", is my response.  So another thing is added,  no longer just puttin along now.  Now you have to put extra effort to get it all done.  Stress is a little higher. 
Back to puttin along, draggin a little extra now.  Can't get as far now.  It takes longer.  Things aren't as easy.  But after awhile you get used to the extra and while it is a burden you get used to carrying it.  So you keep on, keepin on.
Then for some unknown reason, just cause you seem to be handling everything ok, you get handed this also.  After all, you are already doing, the 1st thing added to the "to do" list, plus the one more thing, and the another thing too, this also goes with all the other stuff.  It makes sense that one person does all of the other stuff.  It keeps it all together.
Now you wonder how will you do it all?  HOW can you do it all.  The day is not long enough.  The body is not strong enough.  The heart is willing but it is so tired.  The mind feels like it is running in circles getting nothing done but worrying.
So if one person is going to do all of that, who is going to do what that person started out doing? 
There is only so much that can get done before the body and mind wear out.
If only it could all be set down.  Just lay it down and walk away from it all.
BUT when you have obligations you can't just walk away. 
There are so many that now count on YOU getting it done. 
What will they think if it isn't all done, and done right, with the right attitude? 

It is ok friend.
Lay some of it down.
Don't worry about them or what they think!
I know it is easier said than done.   I think most of us fight that battle too.
Not everything has to be done today.
It is just one more thing or another and they can usually wait.
Stop and rest your mind.  It will sooth your soul, your heart and your body. 
Once you have burned out it is so very hard to start again. 

Why is it we can watch one person breeze through life with a few bumps, but the person right next to them only seems to get impossible mountains to climb? 
How do they keep climbing? 
Do you ask them if you can help? 
Or do you ask them to share their strength? 
OR do you leave them alone, afraid you will only add to their burden? 
Is there a wrong or right answer?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Gilcrease

There were so many photos that I did not post from yesterday's outing.  I wanted to share some more of them.  Gilcrease is beautiful place to visit.
I really like this old house!
The porches are wonderfully big.  The porch rails and caps are carved stone. 
The view from the porch is wonderful too!
There were a few Azaleas left blooming. 
There was a big fat bumble bee buzzing around these flowers.  She was too busy to be bothered by me. 
The brick walk and iron rails frame this formal garden so nicely.
There is a beautiful Japanese Maple on the right side of this photo.  It is putting on seed and was so colorful!
 Little red helicopters!
 I grew up with the plain tan version of these. The red ones are much prettier! 
Loved this tree.  There were several native trees that were cool too, but this one was so colorful.
Here are some of the bronzes that are scattered all over the grounds.
Even the sidewalk that takes you to the front entry is beautiful.  The trees are full of birds.  I tried to get a picture of a Cardinal but he was very shy.  If I had time to set long enough he might have gotten used to me. 
He flitted from one small tree to another all along this little setting area next to the front door. 

This is still just a sample of what is available to see just on the outside of the Museum.  The plus is there isn't any fee if you are just visiting the Gardens.  I am so glad that things have turned green again and that the flowers are blooming. 
I want to go back this fall and see how many different colors the area trees turn!  I bet this view will be very colorful this fall!

Garden walk

We spent the evening at Gilcrease Museum gardens.  We did not go inside, we spent the whole time just walking around the grounds.  Beautiful weather for it.  I knew about the gardens around the old house from going there last fall when my co-worker got married there.  I did not know they had a huge lower garden with a pond and bronze statues all over the grounds. 
We missed the Azalea flowers peak blooming but there were plenty of other flowers to look at.  I will have to do a different blog on just the flora and fauna of that place.  I took so many pictures and really enjoyed getting out and walking around the little wooded trails. 

We walked down several stairs to get to the bottom garden.  I liked the iron rail that looked like wood.
There were so many steps I was beginning to wonder just how far down did we have to go to get to the bottom.
I have always like native stone and these steps were really cool.  Nice thick slabs of rock!
Once we reach the bottom there was a sidewalk to follow all around the pond. 
The pond was pretty.  It had a gazebo at one end and a bronze statue at the other. 
I was really enjoying myself.  Who ever made this garden area did a wonderful job.  There were enough plants and foliage that every few steps a new view opened up.  Most of the area around the pond had steep drop offs all along the sidewalk.  I can only imagine how much work it was to put it in. 
There were only a few other people there so it was pretty quiet.  It was easy to relax and listen to the birds plus there was honeysuckle blooming everywhere so it smelled good too. 

I was really surprised that once we walked past the pond there was several other large open areas.

This bear bronze was huge.  There was an area of small trees right behind this that I just had to walk through.  The ground was a bit soggy from all the rain we have had but it was worth it.  This is what I found between those small trees the the forest edge.  I could hear the little hatchlings chirping away when the parent landed.
After I took this photo I was really wishing for my zoom lens.  But then I would have had to bring a bag and then I would have wished for a tri-pod.  So it is just as well.  It would have slowed me down cause I would have wanted to take even more photos. 
The next area had an old wooden tool shed , a bronze of a pioneer woman and gardens that were full of plants that the pioneers would have used.   

I liked how this bronze showed a simple part of daily life.  She is churning butter and holding her hand up to block the sun.  The sculpturer did a excellent job showing movement with the wind blowing her apron away from her dress.   
I could have spent much more time around this area but there was a large amount of wood boring bees around the shed and they can be aggressive. 
At this point the hubby was ready to go, he is allergic to bees and did not want to get stung.  He was ready to head back to a safer area.
That is him way ahead of me.  Turning around to make sure I am still following.  I tend to get side tracked.  I have a hard time leaving an area that has things that I have not looked at, touched, smelled and taken a few pictures of. 
Like this bronze of a mother deer with two fawns.  How cute is that? 
I could do another blog on just the bronzes that I have not posted, or one of the upper gardens, or one of just the flowers.  I took so many pictures and it is not practical to post all of them.  I will do at least one more blog from this fun outing!  It is going to be hard to limit it to just a few photos.  We are diffently going back at some point with the Grandson.  I would love to follow him around and capture him enjoying this place!