
Friday, May 13, 2011

If not one thing then another.

Funny how things can seem to pile up. 
I am just puttin along and doing my thing when someone or something adds to my "to do" list.  I think, "It is ok self you can do one more thing, no problem". 
So back to puttin along with one more thing.  Feeling good, handling life ok.  Trying to remember to stop and enjoy myself every now and again.  Recharge the heart and mind so I don't get burned out.
Next thing I know another thing is added.  "Now wait a minute!" I say.  "I have enough to keep me busy, I don't have time for this." 
But it still needs to be done.  Nobody else is doing it.  You know how to do it, or at least you can learn.  You can learn, can't you?  "Of couse I can learn", is my response.  So another thing is added,  no longer just puttin along now.  Now you have to put extra effort to get it all done.  Stress is a little higher. 
Back to puttin along, draggin a little extra now.  Can't get as far now.  It takes longer.  Things aren't as easy.  But after awhile you get used to the extra and while it is a burden you get used to carrying it.  So you keep on, keepin on.
Then for some unknown reason, just cause you seem to be handling everything ok, you get handed this also.  After all, you are already doing, the 1st thing added to the "to do" list, plus the one more thing, and the another thing too, this also goes with all the other stuff.  It makes sense that one person does all of the other stuff.  It keeps it all together.
Now you wonder how will you do it all?  HOW can you do it all.  The day is not long enough.  The body is not strong enough.  The heart is willing but it is so tired.  The mind feels like it is running in circles getting nothing done but worrying.
So if one person is going to do all of that, who is going to do what that person started out doing? 
There is only so much that can get done before the body and mind wear out.
If only it could all be set down.  Just lay it down and walk away from it all.
BUT when you have obligations you can't just walk away. 
There are so many that now count on YOU getting it done. 
What will they think if it isn't all done, and done right, with the right attitude? 

It is ok friend.
Lay some of it down.
Don't worry about them or what they think!
I know it is easier said than done.   I think most of us fight that battle too.
Not everything has to be done today.
It is just one more thing or another and they can usually wait.
Stop and rest your mind.  It will sooth your soul, your heart and your body. 
Once you have burned out it is so very hard to start again. 

Why is it we can watch one person breeze through life with a few bumps, but the person right next to them only seems to get impossible mountains to climb? 
How do they keep climbing? 
Do you ask them if you can help? 
Or do you ask them to share their strength? 
OR do you leave them alone, afraid you will only add to their burden? 
Is there a wrong or right answer?


  1. Wow how in the world did you get inside my head?! I could've set down and written almost the same exact thing tonight;) Rebecca

  2. I can see your HUGE dog pile from my house. Tell Andy to YELL uncle much louder.
    I was thinking of you both tonight. :)

  3. I know where you are coming from Debbie. Then I learned to say "No".

    It was weird how people seemed to appreciate what I did when I chose to do them, rather than them expecting me to do things as a matter of routine.

  4. It takes a lot of courage to say no. It seems to be easier to silently take what is dealt till you are so small and beaten down with the burden that you just collapse and give out.

    Jack is right. You have to learn to say that tiny (huge), simple (complicated) word. NO. Not one more thing. Little or big. Just no. My limit has been met. My calendar is full, my work load is complete. Not one more thing, unless you will trade me for something else.

    Easy to type, hard to say. No. I have not learned yet. Still trying!
