
Friday, January 6, 2012


Being in the right place at the right time with the camera on and focused can be so important!  If you are just a second off you can miss out!
That is what happened in this picture.  I snapped the photo and since it was darker in the room it took just a second longer to take the photo.
This just looks like two brothers smiling. 
What I missed was big brother (on the left) puckered up to give little brother (on the right) a great big kiss.  It was going to be a huge slobbery kiss too.  But little brother, who had not been paying any attention, finally woke up and yanked his head back.  So all I caught were smiles.  I may not have captured it on film but I don't think I will forget why they are smiling. 

 In this photo my timing was better!
  The photo I took before and after this one did not catch the suns rays angling through the shot.
The clouds opened up for just a moment and changed to mood of the photo completely.

These photos were taken less than a few moments apart.  The first one she looks awake but her eyes were starting to blink slower and slower.
It didn't take long for her to give in.  She had a busy day celebrating her 90th Birthday.  

If you don't know the people in this photo you have no idea what is ironic about it.
It was taken at the wedding of a old friend.  He is looking right at the camera.  The two women that are hugging are his ex-wife and his new wife.
Life's journey can take you to strange places that you would never think you would go.  It was such a long road for him and he seems to be so happy now.  I am glad for all of them. 

I don't know if you have ever been told but...... People are not supposed to be able to lick their own elbows.  Have you ever heard that?  I saw it in a long list of funny facts.  My little sister had seen that same list of facts and mentioned it during our trip to PA this summer.  My niece had to test it out. 
I think she proved it wrong!
It sure looks like she is licking her elbow to me.  I wonder if others can do it?  I know I can't.  I tried back when I read the list of funny things. 

My poor dog Shy has been the victim of my camera so many times.  I laugh every time I see this picture of her.  I was trying to get her to look at me.  She kept looking away over and over so I asked her if she wanted a chewy.  She looked right at me and licked her lips.  She got the chewy.  After I quit laughing. 

I love taking pictures of people when they are not aware of me.  I like seeing them living in that moment.  Not posing, just living.  I don't know if my words can explain it?  Maybe you can see what I mean by the photos?

Mother and Daughter

Escaped to play

Finding pictures in the clouds

First time to meet

First walk with Grandma

My timing isn't always right.
It may not have been what I was trying for.
Sometimes I don't have a plan and just let happen what will.
I am ok with that.

I love when things happen unexpectedly that make me smile.
Life is good. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Copy Cats

I spent most of the day hanging out with Mattie and her Cats yesterday.  Mattie had surgery on her shoulder earlier in the week and is not very accomplished doing things one armed.  She says it hurts less now than it did before the surgery so I hope that means she will feel even better after it heals!
I noticed something while hanging out at her house yesterday.  Her Cats and Kita's Cats have a lot in common. 

Mattie has 2 cats. 
A girl cat that is older and is a calico.
And a boy cat that is younger and thinks he is cool.
Kita has 2 Cats
A girl cat that is older and is a calico.
And a boy cat that is younger and thinks he is cool.

  There are cat fights at Mattie's house.

There are cat fights a Kita's house.

There was a cat in the bag at Mattie's.

Also a cat in the bag at Kita's.
There are sleepy faces.

The boys seem to like to stick their tongues out.
There is one cat that is just plain silly.

The ladies seem to like to pose in profile.

The boys to pose regally.
Ok.  Pocket's pose wasn't as regal.  He is still young and likes to goof off. 

There are lots of cute faces!

 Sorry I had to include at least one picture of Mr. Man.  I wouldn't want anyone to ever think I would forget about him. 

Happy New Year!