
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Repost Rotten part 1

I am moving some of my old blogs over.  I posted this one in Feb of 2010.

Rotten part 1

I have mentioned before that I was a rotten kid. I do believe that I even said something about nobody in my family wanting to take my brother, sister and myself on because we were a hand full.

I will try to put some of that part of my child hood down here. I will have to go back quite a ways. I am afraid that I can not tell this without starting from the beginning. (Ok, almost the beginning.)

The 1st time my mother was locked up in the mental hospital we lived with my grandmother and grandfather. I remember having to change schools during kindergarten so I was about 5 yrs old. I was just a little girl and my memories are not very clear. I am not sure how old I was when my mother was released and we went back to living with her.

I know at some point we lived in a house across the street from my grams and gramps. I can’t remember if that was before or after mom was locked up the 1st time. I put a picture of that house on a few weeks ago. It had a big yard and a cool chimney. I remember that there was a back porch right off the kitchen that I liked. I don’t believe we lived there for very long because my mother did not pay the rent. I liked living there because we could always sneak over to grams house and get something to eat if we were hungry. Most of the time my mother did not like us to go over there because she believed that grams and gramps were trying to kill us. If you missed the blog on my mother you will have to go back and read it to understand a little bit more about her. There were times when my mom was doing better and we could go over to grams house with out her freaking out. But, you never knew how she would react each day so I learned how to be sneaky.

Mom never made us go to school. If we didn’t want to go she didn’t care. We did have to hide from grams. If grams saw us she would make us go to school!

I also remember getting very sick when we lived there. I had a lot of problems with my tonsils as a kid. I remember the last time I was sick with them before I had to have them removed. My throat was so swollen that I had problems breathing. I was only able to say 1 word at a time and then would have to stop and catch my breath. I refused to eat anything and it hurt so much that I wasn’t drinking very much either. I know they put me in the hospital for a few days before the surgery so that they could re-hydrate me.

I also remember being horribly anemic and having to go to the Doctor once a week to get my blood tested and to get an iron shot. If you have ever had an iron shot you know they really hurt. I fought them tooth and nail each week over that shot. It took everyone in the office and my mother to hold me down. I remember my butt hurting for a few days afterwards each time. Of course it would have helped if I wasn’t tightening up all of my muscles while getting the shot, but I would never have believed anyone if they tried to tell me that. I remember telling the doctor off each time too. I liked the lady that pricked my finger for the blood test. That I didn’t have a problem with. Just the doc and getting the iron shot. I know he had to dread seeing me come in the door. I was such a rude little brat to him and my mother never tried to make me behave. Not sure how I got out of doing that each week. I look back now and hope that I wasn’t kicked out of the place, but I can see my mother encouraging me to act up and getting us both kicked out.

I remember grams trying to get me to eat meat and me refusing to. I just did not like meat when I was a kid. Grams would put a nice steak in front of me and I wouldn’t touch it. I would eat the spinach or any other veggie(except Brussel Sprouts) on the plate but not the meat. Grams kept trying. She would put that steak in front of me for breakfast the next morning and I would just not eat. I was so stubborn and would just quit eating anything. I was always the smallest of us kids and really couldn’t afford to lose much weight. What I needed was to gain weight.

My nick name at that time was Debbie do and the don’ts. I was always getting into things that I was not supposed to ,and Grams had the hardest time getting me to do the things I was supposed to do. Grams said she got tired of saying "Debbie do this and Debbie don’t do that. I don’t think my little sister was as rotten but if I remember right my brother got into some trouble too. I know I got a lot of swats! But I would usually do what I wanted to any way. I would take the swats and just go do the same thing again.

The next place we lived, with my mother, was in a rent house right up the street from the elementary school we went to. My mother worked for a little while at Sonic drive in and we had to go to day care after school. Good God you would think that we were being tortured having to go to the day care. We hated it!

I remember walking from school to my mother’s job one day. I couldn’t have been more than 6 yrs old and it was more than ½ mile to Sonic from the school. I just did not want to go to the day care. The walk was all the way up Yale. Yale is a main street with a lot of traffic. ( I can not imagine one of my daughters, out by herself, at that age walking along a busy street.) Of course mom had to leave work and drive me to the day care. I didn’t try that again because it was too long of a walk just to end up back at the day care. We all ended up getting kicked out of the day care before to long because we kept sneaking out of the fenced yard. The last time we did it we took another kid with us. Needless to say the other kid’s mother was not happy when her little boy ended up missing. One of the day care workers called Grams and told her we were all gone and that we had taken another kid with us. Grams said she knew right where we were and that she would have the little boy back soon. Of course parts of this story is from my grams. She still laughs when she tells the story of finding us at the creek. I remember her pulling her car down the long hill and parking it right by our favorite sand pile. I remember her getting out of the car with a switch in her hand. One look at Grams face and I knew I was in for it. My mother was sitting in the front seat and she stayed in the car. Danny got a few swats and was put in the back seat. I don’t think Lisa got a swat, she was only about 3 or 4 and she just came along to be with us. I ran! I did not want Grams to get her hands on me! I knew it was going to be a big butt busting and I was not going to take it willingly. Grams drove a light blue Dodge Dart and all 4 of the doors were standing open. As I ran towards the back of the car I remember seeing my mother sitting in the front seat of the car laughing at me. Grams was wise to my tricks and met me at the back of her car. I am not sure how many times Grams chased me around that car but I do remember her catching me at some point. And yes, I got that big butt busting that I knew was coming. I also got even more than normal because I sure pissed grams off running from her! I seldom heard my Grams curse but I remember her really chewing us out for taking that other little boy with us. We were not welcome back at the day care after that.

Mom didn’t work much longer after that either. She quit taking her meds again and would just lay in bed all day. She would go completely crazy if grams came over or if we had anything to do with her. I believe grams had all she could take and just walked away. Mom did not cook, clean or take care of us at all. I remember our house being filthy. So filthy that you could not see the floor for all of the dirty clothes and trash. The part I remember the most was the roaches. The roaches were so bad! There would be long spells where there wouldn’t be any food in the house.

We ran wild. Stay tuned for part 2

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