Sunday, January 24, 2010
I like it.... I love it......
I think I will share a few things that I like/love.....
I like to wake up all by myself. No alarm, no stolen covers, no cold doggy nose needing to go outside.
I like taking my time in the mornings. Even if it is a work day I want to get up early enough to take my time.
I like to be on time. I like it when others are on time too. ; )
I love it when it 1st starts to get warm again in the spring and the grass and trees turn green. The 1st flowers bloom and I can sit outside on the back patio and soak up the sun. I like to sit quietly and feel the sun on my face.
I like watching my co-worker’s face when an idiot comes to the window. He has several expressions that he will make that just crack me up!
I love hearing that the "bad guy" got convicted after hours, weeks, months or sometimes years of work have gone into a case.
I like quitting time. I really like quitting time. I always feel so much better when I get home.
I really like having my own home. It was my biggest dream as a kid, to have a place to call home that nobody could take from me. I like being at home. I don’t mind leaving for a bit, sometimes.....
I like the feeling when a job or chore is completed. The bigger the job the better the feeling!
You know, that feeling of accomplishment when you have done a job to the best of your ability.
I like when my daughters come visit me. I miss being a part of their daily life. I really love it when they get along, but that doesn’t happen very often.
I love the way the 1st cup of coffee taste in the morning.
I love to read. I will read just about anything, except a romance. I used to even read a romance if there was nothing else. But can’t stand to re-read the same things or hear about what the "ding bat" was wearing and that is all romances are.
I like ancient history. I always wanted to be an Archeologist when I was a kid. I didn’t make the right choices to fulfill that dream. So WHEN I watch tv it is usually history. I really like being able to turn the tv off when they start the usual, repeating the same old thing over and over and over. Did I mention that the media repeats things over and over? Drives me nuts. BUT this is about the things I like/love!
I like bringing up funny old family stories. I love it when I hear "Oh shut up"or mommmm.... It makes me laugh out loud.
I like "little boy guilty faces" on grown men. This also makes me laugh out loud!
I like a cup of warm tea if it is cold outside.
I love laughing until I have tears running down my cheeks.
I like the fact that I don’t have to choose between buying food or paying bills.
I love to turn the music up loud and sing to it. I really loved it when both girls were in the car with me and we had the music up loud and all sang along to it!
I love it when I get through a day without making a fool of myself. I have noticed that it happens a little more often now. Hmmmm, a plus to getting older??
I love the feeling right before I fall asleep. I am so relaxed and not thinking about anything. It is nice to turn the mind off on purpose! : )
So I found out who a few more of my readers are.....
So that makes about 5 that I know of.....
I like knowing things like this. It helps fulfill my nosy side.
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