
Monday, December 20, 2010


 It was a very busy weekend! I tried to finish up all of the shopping Friday. I ran out of oomph really fast and had to come home and take ANOTHER nap. By the time I woke up it was time to start cooking dinner. My little sister volunteered to come wrap presents. I figured the least I could do was make her spaghetti for dinner. Dinner turned out good and Lisa wrapped and wrapped and wrapped gifts. I am afraid she is secretly sorry she volunteered. I was worn out by the time she was done and all I did was try to find boxes, take off price tags and add name tags. I know she had to be tired! So, a huge thank you to my little sister.

Saturday BT took me to Stillwater to spend some time with Nikita. She had to work that afternoon/evening so I hung out with her at Murphy's. It is pretty dead around there on a Saturday afternoon. I did watch most of the Stillwater basketball game while there. I don't know squat about coaching and only played the game in Junior High, but I was frustrated watching them. They were lucky to win. I don't remember 1/2 the team standing so still when they were trying to score. Our coach would have pulled us from the game and said "If you want to rest you can do that on the bench". He would have never gone for that! I won't even start about the sloppy board.  Nothing like watching a ball game, in a bar, while sober and the pros are well on their way. Her boyfriend’s girls were in town visiting and the youngest just had a birthday to celebrate. So after work we had a late dinner, she opened presents, we all had cake, then played My Littlest Pet Shop Monopoly. We all stayed up way too late playing and cashed out around 3am. HA! I won! Of course the only reason was because we put the cash in the middle and if you land on Free Parking you win it all. I landed on Free Parking 3 times. I would have been stomped if not for that.

Kita has 2 cats, Sister and Smoky. They both decided to sleep with me on the couch. Sister woke me up walking across my bladder some time in the wee hours. I was too tired to get up. Then she woke me up purring while curled up on my chest. Smoky stayed curled up behind my knees. I did not need much on blankets because those 2 kept me warm. I imagine I would get used to sleeping with cats if I did it more often. I am used to my dog sleeping on the floor right next to my bed. I could not sleep with a 90lb Shepard. Way to much dog smell.  
This is sister.  She is a very sweet kitty.

This is Smoky.  He is getting sweeter.  He has too much fun harassing all the other animals to be truly sweet. 
I made biscuits and gravy for everybody the next morning. That was a bit of an adventure. It isn't easy cooking in someone else's kitchen. I started the sausage to browning and turned the oven on to preheat. A few minutes later I smelled something burning. A burning plastic smell to be exact. I should have checked the oven before I turned it on. The left over birthday cake had been wrapped in plastic and stored in the oven to keep it "safe". Have you ever seen a melted plastic covered birthday cake? It was a 1st for me. After I got as much of the plastic cleaned up from the oven I turned everything back on and finished everything up. I was afraid the biscuits would taste like plastic but it was all good. The birthday girl wasn't upset that her cake was melted! She said that she loved biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Good thing. I would have hated to make her sad over her cake!

BT picked me up late in the afternoon and we stopped by Mattie's house on the way home. She just got moved back into her house. The landlord just remodeled most of the place and it looked so nice! She was going to take us out to eat but we had already ate at McDonald's. If only I had known I would have waited. Her idea was much better than a fast food burger! She promised we could do a rain check. We didn't stay too long, I was just too tired. I was in bed asleep by 8:00 pm last night and slept all night long. I guess I am too old to stay up till 3:00am playing Monopoly and sleeping with cats.

It was a good Monday. I was able to get lots done in my 1/2 day. Plus a stupid subpoena for this afternoon was postponed until late Jan. So I don't have to worry about that until next month. I think I have whined about this before but, child custody fights make my stomach turn. It gets old watching people show how ugly they will let their souls turn.

One last gift to get. I had to wait until today to find out if I was able to purchase it. Not. So one more trip to the store. A few items from the grocery. Some house cleaning. Some baking for the hubby's company dinner. Not a bad to do list to get ready for Christmas.  If I don't take a nap every day then I should have enough time to get it all done.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally glad I went to help you! I really do love wrapping gifts, and since this was a "lean" year for us, I had hardly anything to wrap. Glad you had fun baking plastic in Stilly! Ha! You made me giggle with the story of the cat sitting on your bladder in the "wee" hours of the morning! Ha! Ha! :o) Love you about 2 tons!
