
Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Moon

Ask anyone that works in an Emergency Room at a hospital, any Police Officer or anybody that works in Emergency Services, for some reason the full moon seems to affect the crazy people.  I don't know where these people hide the rest of the month but I sure am glad they don't all come out every day!  Of course it isn't just the day of the full moon.  It seems to be a few days before and at least one day after. 
The domestic violence sure seemed to go up this week with some of it being extra violent and the rest just too stupid to be true.  Who thinks that their current boyfriend, the one paying all the bills, will be ok if you move your ex-husband in with you?  How did she really expect that to work out?  No sense in her that is for sure.  I won't review the violent ones on here.  Too sad and pathetic. 
Most Fridays are pretty quiet at work.  Not this week.  It was steady all day.  One phone call after another this morning.  It finally quit ringing so much after lunch but then came all the walk-ins.  There is seldom a line at our Records window but there was today.  I wasn't able to help most of them either.  Same with the phone calls.  I had a lady that wanted to know if I could tell her if her mother was born in Owasso.  It took a bit of explaining from me to make her understand that all I have records of are police reports.  I did check to see if her mother's name had any history at our Dept.  No such luck.  She sure wanted me to have more answers that I was able to give.  I had another one that called that kept asking over and over for legal advise.  I kept telling her I was just a paper pusher and that I was in no way qualified to answer her questions.  It really was strange people day.
I do wish that this was the only time the crazies came out.  But then my job would be a lot more boring!  The one that I had last week that cracked me up wanted to know how to get peoples names, that were like his, off of a criminal history search that he did on his computer.  When I asked him if they had the same first, middle and last name as his he said no.  Next I asked him if they had the same date of birth as him he said no.  I had to explain that "those" people were not him and that if a potential employer did a search they would know that.  I don't think he believed me. 
I guess like most others I want it my way.  A little entertainment when I am bored and a little quiet when it gets too crazy.  That isn't too much to ask for is it? 

One other thing.
Am I the only one that is worried about who is voting and reproducing? 

Alright..... two more things. 
It just occurred to me that I could be one of the crazies. 
Is that anything like the blind leading the blind? 

I could howl at the moon and see if anyone answers. 

1 comment:

  1. It happens here too! You get such crazy requests it makes you just wonder if there is a full moon, sure enough, there it is! Ha!
