
Friday, January 14, 2011

A Bit Better

I feel better today.  My ear isn't hurting and I can smell again. 
That isn't always a good thing when you live with a Shepard.  The living room carpet smelled way to much like her.  I had a can of Woolite carpet cleaner in the cabinet that I tried to put to good use.  I couldn't scrub it clean but I wiped a little bit, took a break, wiped some more, then had to give up.  I STILL haven't got my strength back.  Thank goodness the carpet does smell better even with my feeble effort. 
Another plus is today's weather.  It is above freezing!  Winter is bad enough without the single digit temps.  Brrrr!  I could tell it wasn't as cold because it got too warm in the house last night.  I woke up at 4:00am overheated.  I got up and turned the heat down but was only able to just drift back off before the 5:00am alarm went off.  It made for a long morning.
It hurt to get up and go to work on a Friday.  I am way spoiled to my 3 day weekends.  But I had to go in and make up the hours I missed from calling in sick on Monday.  I think I will have just enough comp time left to use before I go back to the Surgeon next Wednesday.  I can not imagine him thinking that I STILL need to be on 1/2 days!  My co-worker wants to start trading Fridays off again.  I have to be on full days so he can enjoy a Friday off.  His schedule changed enough that it is possible for him to try it again. 
No big jobs or chores scheduled for this weekend, so 2 days should do it for relaxing.  We do have to get with Mattie and take her out for her belated Birthday dinner some time this weekend.  I was too sick with the crud to spend the evening making her a dinner.  I need to call her when she gets off work and find out what night she wants to go. 
I want winter to be over.  I wish for a good old Oklahoma warm summer day.  I know most don't like the heat but I can stand it so much better than this week's weather. 

I would much rather be able to do this on a 100 plus day! 
Beats the freezing and snow any day.   
I miss the Johnson grass tickling my legs. 
There is ONLY a few months before it gets warm again. 
It was pretty nice out today.  I should have gone out and taken some new pictures.  But just getting over this cold/infection I didn't want to push it. 
Another day.


  1. I hope you had a nice weekend! I am back at work today for the first time. I totally forgot Mattie's bday! Guess I owe her a text or a hug or something! Can't believe how old she is! When I was her age, I had Jacob. Maybe this will be the year she gives you another grandbaby!

  2. I hope that means you are feeling better?
    I always hope to see a baby Whitsel! I hope SHE has Mattie's beautiful skin and her Daddy's dimples! Of course being me.....I have already told them that. :)
