
Thursday, November 11, 2010


I am not made to sit around and do nothing.  It drives me nuts and I start to get grumpy.  It took 12 days for me to give up.  Today I am doing stuff.  I am taking it easy but I am NOT going to sit on my butt one more day.  I can not lift much so that limits me.  I did get some dusting done.  The heavy things stayed where they were and I dusted around them.  Half @$$ way of doing it but I feel better. 
Sad huh? 
The bruises are fading thank goodness.  I hate the shade of green that they are.  UGLY  UGLY  UGLY
Speaking of ugly, my GOD my hair needs help.  I can wash it so at least it is clean but Good Lord Almighty it is frightening.  It is all I can do to run a brush through it.  I try to put it in a ponytail but it is a poor excuse of one.  I can not lift my arms up and behind me to do anything for long at all.  Of course I am not supposed to do that at all but I have to do something to keep it out of the way.  Velcro just doesn't want to work with a wad of tangled hair in between it and that is the fastener for both neck braces. 
I took the last of the tape off today.  It looks like about a 2" cut.  He said he put it in one of my wrinkles.  Kinda nice to know that a wrinkle has been put to good use.  I can hope that once it heals and fades it won't be to noticeable.  Stupid Vanity
I put away the pills.  I don't want to take anymore of them.  I do not like how they make me feel.  Plus the dreams were getting pretty weird! 
Enough of all of that.  BLAH!
Today is Veterans Day. 
God Bless All of our Troops.  So many have fought.  So many still fight.  It is a humbling thing to realize that people have died for our freedom.  How many families morn for the 1st time on this day?  Dear Lord please keep them close to your heart this day. 
To all my friends and family that served and were able to come home, Thank You!  I thank God for each of you. 
To my friends that are still serving, Thank You.  May God keep all of you safe. 

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