
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Out back

For the lack of anything better to do tonight I took the camera out to the backyard and looked to see what I could find.  Of course the dog went with me. It is her yard after all. 

First thing I found was this dandelion.
After getting just one photo of it Shy ran right over it and splattered the seeds everywhere. 

There is some honeysuckle on the back fence in full bloom
I keep meaning to pull the rest of it off but I never seem to find enough time to get the job completely finished.  At one time it covered the whole fence and was several feet thick.  It smells nice but it is so invasive that it takes over and smothers other plants.  It did give me something to photograph. 
There are vines shooting off every which direction looking to grab on.
I had to stop and play ball with the dog for a few.  She kept throwing her ball at me or standing in front of what I was trying to take a picture of.  Tail wagging of course and knocking into everything.  That is what Shepard tails are good for. 
The light was fading fast and there was only enough for a few more photos.
This one is kinda dark but I like how it was back lit.

I knocked these leaves off by accident while throwing Shy's ball.  As I was headed inside I noticed that the green seemed to glow in the last of the light. 
It didn't even occur to me to take my tri-pod out with me.  It would have come in handy while trying to snap these in the lower light.   
Maybe next time.

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