
Thursday, March 17, 2011


I haven't blogged lately.  My brain has been too tired.  Work is using me up this last two weeks.  I worked extra hours Monday so I took off early today.  It felt good to leave at lunch time and not go back!

I have the doors open.  I have windows open.  It is nice warm spring day.  I can hear the birds.  There is a male Mocking bird hanging out in my back yard that is putting so much effort into his spring dance.  He is almost obnoxious because he is so loud.  I do love watching him flash the stripes on his wings and hop around. 
There are hints of green in the grass and the one tree in my yard is covered in flowers.  Yesterday I noticed that there are a few green leaves peeking out! 

We had a good heavy rain earlier this week.  I loved drifting off to sleep listening to the thunder.  We need more rain, lots more.  High fire danger and burn bans cover most of the state.  The Oklahoma wind is really blowing today so any grass fires will get out of control fast!  The last two weeks have been hard on the firefighters.  
I love all these first hints of spring. 
It has even stayed warm enough in the evenings to keep the back door open.  I took this picture with the last bit of light last night. 

The moon was too far away to give much light and the wind was blowing the flowers around.  It made it a challenge to get anything in focus.  This was the best that I could come up with.  Not great but I like the softness of it. 


  1. Gosh! Your pictures are so beautiful! You have to be loving that new camera! But Debbie, you have quite an eye for photography.

  2. I dont know if it is good to be able to tell a male mocking bird from a female or not but, just to give you a little hint: the moon is always the same distance away every night(hehe). Anyways, nice post it makes me want to go out and sit on the front proch and enjoy.

  3. Thank you Lisa!

    Of course you are right Brian. I should have said the moon wasn't bright enough. My little brain just thinks when it is small it is farther away and when it is huge it is closer. :)
    Here is a hint for you: at this time of year the male mocking bird is the one singing and dancing and making all the ruckus! Believe it or not the girls are not the ones doing all the "talking".
    I look forward to reading your blog!

  4. Debbie, aparently I was wrong about the moon. Tonight the moon is going to be closer to the Earth than it has in the past 17 years and won't be this close in another 17, but who's counting right? It will appear 14% larger which might help in your picture taking so if you have time go check it out!

  5. NP Brian! I heard that on the news too. I spent about an hour sitting in my driveway last night waiting on the clouds to move so I could snap photos. I don't get my zoom lens out very often but I was sure glad to have it last night!
    The moon was very bright but I know I have seen it bigger. I don't know the why, but I do enjoy the view.
    I am looking forward to your next post. What is your 1st helpful hint go to be about?
