
Monday, December 17, 2012

Bath time!

Giving my Shepard a bath in the winter always makes a big mess.  Since she is an inside dog she never develops a thick winter coat.  Instead she sheds it constantly all over my house!
We have family coming over that do not live with a dog.  That means, to even begin to make them comfortable, the dog needed a bath.  In the winter that job must be done in the bathtub.  Leaning over the bath tub to clean her is not easy on my back.  It is lots of work to scrub more than 90lbs of hair!  It is even more work to clean up the bathroom AFTER giving her a bath.
There is a new business here in Owasso where you can take your dog and give them a bath yourself.  I figure it was worth at least a try to keep from making the mess in the bathroom.  Shy knows when I get out her shampoo and conditioner that she is getting a bath and she gets excited.  So she was really confused when I put the shampoo and towels in a bag.  She kept going to the back door hoping that she was going to get to play in the water.  I was so glad that Mattie came over to help me!  This was going to be a first for Shy.  She is getting old and has problems jumping up in the back of the truck so Mattie drove her in her car.  Shy had no clue how to use the ramp so Mattie showed her how and Shy followed her right up. This isn't a really cheap option but I feel it was worth the money!  I left a TON of hair for them to clean up.  The thought of NOT having all that hair shed in my bathroom confirmed it for me.  The water was warm and the open basin was at a good height and we had her shampooed and conditioned in no time.  Shy has never experienced a blow dry.  I had a towel out drying off her head when Mattie first blaster her backside with the dryer.  OH! How I wish I had video or a picture of Shy's face when Mattie did that to her!  She was NOT amused but Mattie and I were!!!  The dryer only blew cool air but it did have a blast to it.  As soon as Shy held still Mattie started using it and there was a HUGE plume of hair in the air immediately.  Every spot that the dryer hit there was another huge puff of hair in the air.  How is it possible for one dog to have that much extra hair?  Once our timer ran out and Shy was able to get down she was ready to go.  She was not pleased with the dryer.  I am VERY pleased with the dryer.  It blew off more hair than moisture but that doesn't bother me at all.  Shy loves to go for car rides but this time she was glad to be home.  Mattie couldn't get the car door open fast enough for Shy.  Once it was open Shy ran for the front door so fast she about pulled Mattie in to the bush next to the porch.  Shy is always in a good mood after her bath and has trouble holding still long enough for me to dry her off.  It was the same tonight.  I still had to take her out in the garage twice tonight and comb more and more hair off her as she started to dry. 
She smells so very much better. 
Her coat is all shiny.
And hopefully when we try to pet her over the next few days there won't be a puff of hair all over the house!
The name of the business is Clean Spot and it is a clean place.  They request that you clean up the tub afterwards and I had no problem doing that.  There was nothing I could do about the huge amounts of hair all over the floor.  There is a facebook site and I mentioned that I had left a mess on the floor.  I was assured that wasn't a problem and that was part of the "charm" of using their facility. 
As long as it is too cold for my old Girl to have her bath outside I will go back and leave the mess for them to clean up. 
Thank you Mattie for helping your Mommy and Shy! 
Ahhhh! A clean dog. 

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