
Monday, July 2, 2012

At least it is less than 20

I usually dread Mondays.  Really dread them.  I never know what I will walk in and find on Monday mornings.  Sometimes it goes smooth but most of the time there are all kinds of "messes" to clean up.  Today wasn't so bad.  There was only one arrest all weekend.  Just one.  That just never happens.  I don't know where all the "bad guys" were....... but they were hiding good.  Then to make the day even better I was able to get last of the reports for June checked in.  It is only the 2nd day of the new month.  I have only sent out 1 email asking for all the missing reports.  I didn't have to pester a single Supervisor to help me.  This is the best the Officers have done since we started on the new software a year and a half ago.  I will be able to get my stat report done and turned in to the OSBI tomorrow.  It isn't due until the seventh but THIS time I will get it done early. 
That means that even if today was my Monday and tomorrow is my Friday I still have a good chance of meeting my deadlines.  I wonder if something will happen tomorrow to throw a kink in things.....
I sure hope not. 
I will not hold my breath and relax until I walk out the door.  Too many times some "emergency" will pop up and cause a "big fire" that will have to be fixed first. 
Why does work have to be
I know I am lucky to have a good job.  It is still the best job that I have ever had.  AND I like the people that I work with.

Even so.......
I have already started my count down to retirement.  18 years, 3 months and 21 days, approximately......  I guess it depends on what the retirement age will be 18 years in the future.  But I can work off an approximate plan for now.

It is gonna be awhile.  *sigh*

That is a lot of Mondays to make it through.  *double sigh*

So far my retirement plans include:
A garden.  It will provide food and exercise.  Planting, tending, harvesting, and storing should keep me busy. 
Chickens.  I think I want to keep chickens in my backyard.  After I get them I might change my mind.  But I want to give it a try. 
Taking photos.  I don't know if I will ever make any money at it.  I do know I enjoy it.  It helps fill a creative need and I love having pictures of my friends and family. 
Grandkids and/or Great Grandkids.  I hope to have lots of them to spoil rotten. 
That is all I have thought of so far. 

I have time to work on things.  *triple sigh*
I had to trade my camera in for a new one this past weekend.  I bought the lens and body as a package deal and the only way for the warranty to work (for the broken lens) would be to give the whole thing back.  I did get a newer model body but the lens looks the same.  I took it out in the back yard to play with it a bit and wasn't able to dial in the focus like I wanted.  There is just enough difference to make me feel lost.  I need more practice.
There is a new little baby boy that I haven't had a chance to take pictures of yet.  His Mommy said that I can take pictures of him.  I hope I can schedule something later this week.  I will have some free time since I only have to work two days. 

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