Today wasn't so bad for a Monday. It is always hard to go back to the grind after a vacation. It didn't help that I could not sleep last night. My muscles and joints were really hurting and by the time the Naproxen kicked in it was after 4:00am. The alarm went off at 5:00am. *sigh*
I was a bit fuzzy headed at work. But as I said it wasn't too bad for a Monday. My co-worker did a good job of keeping work caught up. There were only a few things waiting for me to handle and I was able to get them all done. I thought it would take much longer to wade through a week worth of emails but there were less than 100 of them. I left at 3:00 so that I will be able to "flex" off the overtime I will get on Friday. (gotta keep the budget in check!) I came home and took a quick nap, made dinner for BT, Mattie and James. Then we loaded up and went to the hospital.
The baby boy finally decided to be born today. He wasn't ready yesterday. Mom is tired but good.
I was a bit fuzzy headed at work. But as I said it wasn't too bad for a Monday. My co-worker did a good job of keeping work caught up. There were only a few things waiting for me to handle and I was able to get them all done. I thought it would take much longer to wade through a week worth of emails but there were less than 100 of them. I left at 3:00 so that I will be able to "flex" off the overtime I will get on Friday. (gotta keep the budget in check!) I came home and took a quick nap, made dinner for BT, Mattie and James. Then we loaded up and went to the hospital.
The baby boy finally decided to be born today. He wasn't ready yesterday. Mom is tired but good.
Baby boy is too cute!
I think Mattie looks really good holding a baby......
I think his Daddy likes him.
We didn't stay too long. There were several other people coming and going and Mom was tired. I took them the CD of the photo shoot we did Sunday and they seemed to be pleased with them.
As Mattie, James and I left the hospital grounds they spotted this pretty guy!
Finally I had my camera when a Scissortail was in sight. James stopped the car and I snapped a few shots out the car window before he flew off. The hospital is very close to the fields where I took photos of wild flowers this spring. I see one or more of these birds just about every time I drive past those fields. Of course the day I was there with a camera the only bird I saw was a Robin. The fields won't be there much longer. There was already digging and construction fencing up in one of them. We didn't get two blocks away before Mattie and James spotted a turtle in the middle of the road. James stopped and saved him. Ya know turtles just don't do well against cars.
I think I can count this as a good day. I should be very tired but I just don't feel like I am ready to sleep yet. Maybe I should have a glass of that wine that is still in the fridge.
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