It was a nice birthday. Spent most of it in Collinsville at a fund raiser. Collinsville has such a cool old down town. I love old buildings! I saw an Antique shop that I would like to take my little sister in. Lisa loves the shops that have all kinds of old odds and ends. I snuck outside when it stopped raining so I could take pictures.
The Silver Dollar was full most of the day. I enjoyed spending the day with co-workers outside of work. Still didn't get to talk much because the live band that was playing. 
This is C C & Company. The old dude on the drums is our retired Capt. I can get away with calling him old because he is retired. Hahaha! he can't fire me anymore.
Here is the reason so many people worked so hard to make this day happen.
Tomorrow I am going to Stillwater to see Kita for her Birthday for sure!
I need to dump all of my photos from today and charge my camera.
I need hundreds of pictures to go through for when I am stuck at home.
Hope you had a great day, I thought about you several times, but never called. Such a bad sister! I hope you got your card in the mail. I have been in several antique shops in Cville. One of my favorites is there. But I dont think it was the one you got a picture of. I will have to check it out... Maybe next spring when we are both feeling better!