I went to a great wedding this last weekend. My co-worker got married Sunday. They did a great job organizing their wedding. Wonderful location, nice ceremony, great food and everyone was just so nice. It was casual but elegant. Can you tell I enjoyed myself?
Of course if the co-worker was married over the weekend that means that he is not at work this week. I have been "handed my backside" several times and I have 2 more days to get through. I didn't give out many reports on Tuesday because just about everything people asked for was not ready. That means I spoke to them again today. Boy did I hand out the reports today. The phone wasn't as busy so I did get some reports checked in but very few scanned.
Sorry, enough boring work details. Here I am complaining about doing 1 week by myself and the co-worker is going to have to do 3-4 weeks by himself. I am trying to get as much done this week so that I can work on cleaning up any loose ends for while I am off. I have so many loose ends I am afraid to start a list. I know it would depress me if I saw how long it was.
I miss getting to watch FB this week. I just don't have the time. I usually watch while scanning but I haven't been able to scan much yet.
The boss came in this afternoon and told me that I would be off during the time that the budget for the next year is worked up. He said he would just have someone call me at home for my input. I think I could squish him. I don't think it would be hard at all. I won't go into detail but I have planned it all out in my mind. hehehe
Anyway my head is swimming with all the details and it seems each day someone wants to add a job that will take days to get done. I don't think I am going to get 1/2 of it done. I have never been off work for this long of a time frame. I think I dread what it is going to look like when I get back. There is only so much one person can get done and it will pile up on the co-worker no matter how hard he tries.
Oh well, nobody will die over it and the mess will clean up with enough washing. It will. I know it will. I am just dreading all of the washing!
The shot may have been a bad choice but it did get the surgery scheduled sooner. The shot has caused me to be in more pain and nothing seems to motivate me more than constant pain. Not even embarrassment. The doc's office did call me back this week and told me that it will be a fusion not a joint replacement. WAY to much arthritis in the area. That means I do not get to have the cool replacement part and get to have bone taken from my hip. OH JOYFUL!
Does anyone know of a place that I can hide and cry for awhile? I know I can't hide for long but a few days would be nice. The thought of me having way to much arthritis in any area is depressing. Really don't like the idea of them cutting on my neck and moving everything around so that they can get to the area they need to work on. ( I wonder if I will set of a metal detector after is is all done? )
Here I am fussing about 1 surgery and I know someone else that is going through so much more. I feel silly and foolish. Glad he is in Texas and not here to laugh at me. I will put on my brave face. Get as much done as I can. Let the rest wait and try not to worry about it.
So I will try to look at the bright side. I am getting used to having a headache all of the time. I don't like it but I can still get things done. I DO know that many people have it much worse.
There, but for the grace of God, go I.
Thinking and praying for you & the family. Keep smiling friend.
Good to see your post! Sorry it has been so cruddy at work. I will have a tough Friday and Monday coming up, so I feel your pain. I miss you too!