
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Trying to OD

I have taken a lot of photos this month.  All kinds of photos.  I have spent hours, taking photos, looking at photos, editing and re-editing photos.  I think I have a serious addiction to photography forming.  I enjoy looking at things in front of me for the detail, then framing a shot.  Looking at the raw photo and deciding how to edit it.  There is so much more that I need to learn.  I need more time in each day!
I really like going to different places to take the photos!  I can't decide what I like to take photos of the most.  So far it is what ever is in front of me that I think will be interesting. 

I always feel a need to take a picture of any flower that I see. 
Some of this week's flowers that I couldn't, just couldn't, walk past. 

Trees are another thing that I love to take photos of.

Of course babies.  I love babies.  They have the sweetest faces!

I also like when a photo shows emotion.

Scenery is another thing that catches my eye and makes me wonder how the camera will capture the view.

Buildings too!

Clouds, reflections, automobiles, animals, anything that will hold still and let me take a picture of it!

I took a photo of a butterfly this week.  Or rather I took a whole lot of photos of a butterfly.  I will just share one of them. 
I chased it around one of the parks here in town.

Sometimes I can't get what I am trying to take a picture of to hold still.  That is something I need to work on.  It is kinda cute that there is a blur of movement.  He was in constant motion!
Happy Birthday Mikkie!  Slow down little Mister.  You are growing up too fast!


  1. Great pix as usual. Love the picture of Mik. He is growing up so fast. Is he fully air-born in this picture? LOL!

  2. Yes, both of his feet are off the ground. He was running as fast has he could in a big circle, burning energy like he had a ton to spare. He was moving fast too.
