What do you consider a good day?
Does everything have to go your way all day for it to be good? Or can it just end on a positive note, so that makes it a good day?
What do you seek out that gives you pleasure?
Is it things that you buy that make you happy? Or can you be happy just enjoying what you have already?
What do you notice about others?
Do you think just because someone presents a nice "picture" on the outside that they are nice? Or do you mistrust the gilded and prefer the plain package?
What gets your attention in a room full of people?
Is it the person that is making the most commotion? Or is the the one sitting and watching everything else going on?
What do you think others remember about you?
Is it what you have done right? Or is what you have done wrong?
Can we really accept each person as they are?
Do they have to meet all of our personal standards to be acceptable? Or can they have strengths and weaknesses of their own?
Can you really learn to forgive yourself?
Do you hold yourself to the same high standards you expect from others? Or do you realize that the past is part of what shaped you?
Do you let life turn you negative?
When things go wrong do you look to blame others and expect them to fix it? Or do you look for answers on your own and be accountable for your own self?
Do you have to use "something" to make you feel better?
Do you cover your stress with a "patch" so you can ignore it? Do you let the "patch" take over your life? Do you lie to yourself? Do you lie to others to cover up your lies to yourself? Do you keep so busy that you don't have to think? Is one type of "patch" better than other types of "patches"?
SO many questions? I know I look around at my society and don't like all that I see. If everything was changed to suit my taste where does that leave others that feel differently than me? Where does the sense of entitlement come from? When does the "hate" of the current system reach the blowing level? Why do so many of us feel that only our way is the right way? If my answer to a subject is "right" does that make the other's view "wrong"?
Should we push to take each thing all the way to the limit?
When is the cost too high?
When is too soon to give up on a lost cause?
When do you ask others for help?
Just because you ask for help does that mean you should get it?
Who decides when you have tried hard enough to give up?
I don't know the best answer to any of these questions. I know what I am comfortable with at this given moment. I also know that sometimes it is easy to change my mind if another valid view point is brought to my attention. There are still some things that I will be stubborn about. There are some lines that I have drawn for myself that I will not cross. Not all of those lines make sense to others. They make sense to me and my inner balance.
On any given day I can fail in my own personal goals for happiness. I have found that most of those times it is because I have let other's attitudes mean too much to me.
If I want to accomplish something it is up to me to do it.
Otherwise it is someone else's accomplishment.
This is what is I need to strive to remember.