
Thursday, December 26, 2013

10 days off

Getting sick right before Christmas was NOT part of my plan.  The Mr. and the little guy both getting sick too was worse.  We are finally starting to feel better.  Should be all back to normal just in time for me to go back to work.  Looking for the bright side on it all.... I didn't have to get any "points" for missing work.  The bad side..... I am so sad that I didn't get to cook and bake all the goodies for the family.  I dragged my sad self out to the store Monday and tried to get everything that was missing for Christmas dinner.  I failed.  I always forget something.  *sigh*  This time I forgot the cherries for Cherry Cheese Cake and cool whip for the icing on the mandarin Orange Cake.  I found one small tub stashed in the freezer so I was able to make do with the icing so at least the cake was made.  The Cheese Cake did not get made.  The 2 dozen eggs are still in the fridge, no deviled eggs made.  No Pumpkin bread, no banana bread, no cookies, no pumpkin pie with maple whisky cream sauce made.  I did get the turkey breast made and we purchased a smoked ham.  So I put potatoes in the oven to bake and made seasoned mixed veggies and green beans.  I put the shredded cheddar and sour cream for the baked spuds on the table and along with some warmed up Sister Schubert's rolls and that was Christmas dinner this year.  Nobody complained.  There was plenty to eat and we now know Alex loves smoked ham.
I hope everybody liked their presents.  The boys sure liked the cowboy guns Cohen got.  It was so cute watching Cohen share them with Alex. 
I did not take enough pictures!  There just wasn't enough time.  So many things to catch up on with everybody.  And again I did not get a picture of us all.  I need to work on this.  Once a year we get close to having all of us in one place together and I keep forgetting to get a picture of it. 
This visit was too short, they have all gone home.  Tonight my house is much quieter.
Here are a few pictures of Christmas.  Once the gifts were opened I put the camera down and forgot to take any more pictures.  I am gonna blame it on the lack of sleep instead of just being forgetful.  I did not post the picture of Rob, it was not taken from a flattering angle and after all the work that he and Carrie did today I don't feel it would be a good way to show my thanks. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.  Time to get ready for the New Year. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

One year

Little Alex is one year old now. 
Too bad all of us were sick for it! 
That did not stop him from opening presents or from eating cake. 

He played some with his new toys today.  But he really does not feel good.  His poor little nose is so stuffy.  We may have to go see doc in the morning. 
This is how you watch Sesame Street when you don't feel so great.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Ups and Downs

Little guy is not a fan of shoes.  He never leaves his socks on for more than a few hours.  I think I have found something to convince him to wear his socks and shoes. 


Of course he loves it.  Of course it is almost winter and he will have very few days to play outside until spring. 

Of course. 

Until then......  He is enjoying it.  It is kinda tricky walking around in the back yard.  There are bumps and dips all over the yard.  Wearing shoes makes it harder to keep your balance too.  It doesn't seem to bother him no matter how many times he falls.  He just gets back up. 

Here are some of the ups and downs in order that they were taken. 

AND kinda like the last post there a few pictures.  Not all I took of course.  Geesh!  Like I would do that to you!
Up  (I think that is a diaper check by Shy)
Almost up
Leaf pick up has not happened at my house this year.  The hubby has not recovered from his surgery and I am simply not organized enough to get this chore even added to the list.  I have kept up with all of the laundry.  Does that count?  Besides I think all the fallen leaves add a nice touch to the pictures.  Alex likes them.  Except when he falls down and they stick to his hand.  Then not so much.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

If you can't tell.....

I like to watch my grandson play.  Sometimes he is busy enough that he doesn't notice or doesn't care and I can take pictures.  Recently he is more interested in my camera than in playing.  It is hard to take a "cute" picture when he is standing this close and trying to grab the camera.
It had been awhile since I left the laundry basket out for him to play with.  He was all over it like a new toy.  (I need to describe him with a new toy sometime.  It is too funny!)
This is him playing with the laundry basket from 1442 hours to 1458 hours.  That is just 16 min of play.  This is NOT all of the pictures I took in that 16 min.  Also, I used a special effects setting on my camera called night vision.  Even with the morning light it is hard to get a picture of him that isn't blurred.  Constant motion.  Even some of the night vision shots are blurred.  Sit back.... There are a few pictures to review.
First it must be tasted.
  (Yep still teething.  Cut his 9th and 10th ones this weekend.)
 Then crawled in

The whole thing turned over so he can check out the bottom of it.

Turned on it's side to see if there is anything different. 

Pulled in his lap to get a good close look at it.

 A toy put inside to see if it makes any "new" noise.
Shake it and see if the toy makes a noise. 
 Toy taken out.
Toy put back in. 
 Crawl back in.
Flip it on it's side. 

Throw toy back in.  Again.
Crawl back in.  Again. 
Notice that the basket rocks when on this side.  
Flip it over and crawl back in.  Again. 
This way it is a little bit harder to crawl in...... 
Made it! 

Try playing with other toys while standing in basket.

Time to try a dismount.....

Three point landing!
On to the next toy.  Blankie!!!  
Time for a juice break.

Hmmmm..... blocks.
OoOoOohhhh.... Camera! 

Can I see it Gwandma?  Can I?