We just got back from a trip to Missouri visiting the Grandson, Son and Daughter-in-law. It was a very nice trip. I think I might have mentioned this before but I am really crazy about my Grandson. He is just the cutest guy I know. His Grandpa and Dad are close but.....
Carrie had to work until that evening so she didn't get to join us. The little Mr. loved it. He was so busy looking around that we didn't hear a peep out of him.
Houses line the other side of the river. There are boat docks in most of the back yards with paths down steep slopes. There were plenty of geese but just one family that had goslings.
I liked it in black and white.
Rob took us to a second location called Riverdale next. I loved the sound of the rushing water at this spot!
There were wildflowers!
I saw these all along the roadside on the way and really wanted to get a closer look at them. The want to take pictures of wildflowers is like an itch to me. An itch that just won't go away until I can get close enough to take pictures. And just like scratching an itch, I feel all better once I get to.
These are way too small to have seen while driving past at 75 mph.
Tiny but so pretty.
Here are some of the photos I took from Riverdale in black and white.
It was a nice trip.
I always wish we could stay longer.
I miss them as soon as we leave.
I think this post is long enough so I will finish for now. Save some of the pics for another time.
Is anyone else having problems commenting on any of the blogs? I haven't been able to all last week. I tried several times to answer a comment made on my post and was unable to. Plus I tried to comment on one of the blogs that I follow and it just will not let me. My stats page is also messing up.......