
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Too many bugs!

We spent most of the evenings inside playing.  The mosquitos are too thick in the back yard.  Our neighbors have an old in ground pool that they are trying to fill in.  He has rented a jack hammer and drilled holes in the bottom and sides so it will drain.  I sure hope that will improve the bug situation. 

So instead of playing outside we have been busy in the house.  He IS a busy little guy!  If he starts to get bored all I have to do is clean up the toys he has scattered ALL over the house and he will start dragging them all out again.  :) 


Friday, August 22, 2014

A day off

Not much going on.  Work is still taking up much of my energy.  I did get to sneak off Thursday.  I enjoyed a nice morning at a local park before it got hot.  The wild flowers and foliage were beautiful.  There was a nice breeze blowing so it wasn't easy to get a sharp picture.  I was tempted to bring more than one lens......maybe the tripod......a few filters to see what I could learn using them.  I ended up just taking the camera as it was.  I was able to enjoy the walk without carrying too much. 


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Big boy

Guess what Alex got?  After he played with them for a bit I showed him where to wear them.  He has used the potty a few times.  Mainly before bath time.  I don't think he is ready to run around the house in just his big boy undies yet.  Cleaning up wet spots is not high on my list of things to do in the evenings.  I think we need to spend some time outside wearing them.  Do you think the neighbors will be shocked?  I hope not.  I think if he practices outside some it will be easier on his granny.

Sorry for the long delay in posting.  Being short handed at work and working OT, training a new employee for the 1st time in years, and setting up an all new training program has used up all of my brain power lately.  Plus I have also been fighting allergies and sinus problems for the last few months.  I just haven't had much energy left over for any creativeness.  (Done whining now, promise.)

I was motivated to at least post some pics because I had a special request.  She said that the few I posted on fb lately has not been enough.  Maybe this will hold her for a bit until I can get my oomph kick started again.